How to create a Storage account, Container and Blob storage using Microsoft Azure.

Log into your Microsoft Azure account and from the homepage, type 'storage account' into the search bar and click on 'storage account' in the drop down.

Once the storage accounts page opens, click '+ create' on top left.

Page opens requesting to select a resource group from one previously created.

Choose a storage account name that is unique and available. Then select desired region from the drop down list using the arrow.

Performance - check the standard box and select 'Locally redundant storage (LRS) for redundancy and click 'Next: Advanced >' on bottom right to turn over the page.

Check the 'Allow enabling anonymous access on individual containers' box then scroll down to click 'Next: Networking >' on bottom right.

click 'Next: Data Protection >' on bottom right.

Click 'Next: Encryption >' on bottom right.

Click 'Next: Tags >' on bottom right.

Click 'Review' on bottom left.

Click 'Create' on bottom left.

''Deployment is complete'' which means your storage account has been created successfully. click on 'Go to resource' on the bottom of the page to open your storage account.

From the storage account scroll down, under 'Data storage' on the left pane, click 'Containers'.

Click '+ Container' on top, this opens with a 'New container' page to the right.

Choose a name for your container and click the 'Anonymous access level' drop down arrow, select 'Private (no anonymous access)'. Scroll down the page and click 'Create'.

Click your new container name to open.

click 'upload' on top of page.

The 'upload blob' page opens to the right. Either drag and drop files in there or browse to select a file you choose to upload. Once file is added, click 'upload' to upload your chosen file.

Your blob has been successfully uploaded.

I hope this has been helpful.