Log into the AWS console. Once logged in, from the home page type 'EC2' into the search bar on the top of the page.
Click the first option.
This opens with the EC2 dashboard. Scroll down and click on 'Launch Instance'.
Give it a name and scroll down. Select 'Amazon Linux'.
To select an Instance type, click on drop down arrow in circle and select 't2 micro'. Click 'create new key pair'.
Choose a name for your key pair, under Key pair type - check the 'RSA' box. Under Private key file format, '.pem' is for Windows 10, 11, Linux or MACOS while '.ppk' is for Windows 7 and 8. Select '.pem' and click 'create key pair' on bottom left of page.
Click on 'save'.
This downloads to your 'downloads' folder as below.
Scroll to 'Network settings', select 'Create security group' and check the 'Allow SSH traffic from' box. Click 'Launch Instance' at bottom right of page.
Once launched successfully, click on 'Instances' on the top of the page.
The Instance state should say 'running'. There you have your EC2 Instance up and running.
To connect Instance, click on 'Connect' on the top of the page.
Click 'Connect' on bottom right of page.
EC2 Instance is connected!
To delete, click the 'Instance state' drop down arrow.
Click 'Terminate Instance'.
Click 'Terminate'.
Instance is now successfully deleted.
Hope these steps have been helpful in creating your Amazon EC2 Instance.